How-To: Configure the Azure cloud provider

Learn how to configure the Azure provider for your Radius Environment

The Azure provider allows you to deploy and connect to Azure resources from a self-hosted Radius Environment. It can be configured:


Interactive configuration

  1. Initialize a new environment with rad init --full:

    rad init --full
  2. Follow the prompts, specifying:

    • Namespace - The Kubernetes namespace where your application containers and networking resources will be deployed (different than the Radius control-plane namespace, radius-system)

    • Add an Azure provider - Pick the subscription and resource group to deploy your Azure resources to Run az ad sp create-for-rbac to create a Service Principal without a role assignment and obtain your appId, displayName, password, and tenant information.

         "appId": "****",
         "displayName": "****",
         "password": "****",
         "tenant": "****"
         Enter the `appId`, `password`, and `tenant` information when prompted.
    • Environment name - The name of the environment to create

    You should see the following output:

    Initializing Radius...
    ✅ Install Radius v0.33
       - Kubernetes cluster: k3d-k3s-default
       - Kubernetes namespace: radius-system
       - Azure service principal: ****
    ✅ Create new environment default
       - Kubernetes namespace: default
       - Azure: subscription ***** and resource group ***
    ✅ Scaffold application samples
    ✅ Update local configuration
    Initialization complete! Have a RAD time 😎

Manual configuration

  1. Use rad env update to update your Radius Environment with your Azure subscription ID and Azure resource group:

    rad env update myEnvironment --azure-subscription-id myAzureSubscriptionId --azure-resource-group  myAzureResourceGroup
  2. Run az ad sp create-for-rbac to create a Service Principal without a role assignment and obtain your appId, displayName, password, and tenant information.

    "appId": "****",
    "displayName": "****",
    "password": "****",
    "tenant": "****"
  3. Use rad credential register azure to add the Azure service principal to your Radius installation:

    rad credential register azure --client-id myClientId  --client-secret myClientSecret  --tenant-id myTenantId

    Radius will use the provided service principal for all interactions with Azure, including Bicep and Recipe deployments.