Overview: Radius workspaces

Learn how to handle multiple Radius platforms and environments with workspaces

What are workspaces?

Workspaces allow you to manage multiple Radius environments using a local, client-side, configuration file. You can easily define and switch between workspaces to deploy and manage applications across separate environments.

The config.yaml file in your local Radius directory contains workspace entries that point to a Radius platform and environment.

CLI commands

The following commands let you interact with Radius Environments:

rad workspace init kubernetes creates a new workspace:

rad workspace init kubernetes

rad workspace list lists all of the workspaces in your configuration file:

rad workspace list

rad workspace show prints information on the default or specified workspace:

rad workspace show

rad workspace delete deletes the specified workspace:

rad workspace delete -w myenv

rad workspace switch switches the default workspace:

rad workspace switch -w myworkspace


Your Radius configuration file contains workspace entries that point to a Radius platform and environment:

  default: dev
        context: DevCluster
        kind: kubernetes
      environment: /planes/radius/local/resourcegroups/dev/providers/applications.core/environments/dev
      scope: /planes/radius/local/resourceGroups/dev
        context: ProdCluster
        kind: kubernetes
      environment: /planes/radius/local/resourcegroups/prod/providers/applications.core/environments/prod
      scope: /planes/radius/local/resourceGroups/prod


Visit the config.yaml reference docs to learn about workspace definitions.

config.yaml Schema