Dapr State Store resource

Learn how to use a Dapr State Store resource in Radius


A Applications.Dapr/stateStores resource represents a Dapr state store topic.

This resource will automatically create and deploy the Dapr component spec for the state store.

Resource format

resource statestore 'Applications.Dapr/stateStores@2023-10-01-preview' = {
  name: 'statestore'
  properties: {
    environment: environment
    application: application
    recipe: {
      // Name a specific Recipe to use
      name: 'azure-redis'
      // Optionally set recipe parameters if needed (specific to the Recipe)
      parameters: {
        // ....

resource statestore 'Applications.Dapr/stateStores@2023-10-01-preview' = {
  name: 'statestore'
  properties: {
    environment: environment
    application: application
    resourceProvisioning: 'manual'
    resources: [
      { id: account.id }
      { id: account::tableServices::table.id }
    metadata: {
      accountName: {
        value: account.name
      accountKey: {
        value: account.listKeys().keys[0].value
      tableName: {
        value: account::tableServices::table.name
    type: 'state.azure.tablestorage'
    version: 'v1'


Key Required Description Example
name y The name of the resource. Names must contain at most 63 characters, contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, ‘-’, or ‘.’, start with an alphanumeric character, and end with an alphanumeric character. my-statestore
location y The location of your resource. See common values for more information. global
properties y Properties of the resource. See below


Key Required Description Example
application n The ID of the application resource this resource belongs to. app.id
environment y The ID of the environment resource this resource belongs to. env.id
resourceProvisioning n Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Options are to provision automatically via ‘recipe’ or provision manually via ‘manual’. Selection determines which set of fields to additionally require. Defaults to ‘recipe’. manual
recipe n Configuration for the Recipe which will deploy the backing infrastructure. See below
resources n An array of IDs of the underlying resources. See below
type n The Dapr component type. Used when resourceProvisioning is set to manual. state.couchbase
metadata n Metadata for the Dapr component. Schema must match Dapr component. Used when resourceProvisioning is set to manual. { couchbaseURL: {value: 'https://*****' }
version n The version of the Dapr component. See Dapr components for available versions. Used when resourceProvisioning is set to manual. v1
componentName n (read-only) The name of the Dapr component that is generated and applied to the underlying system. Used by the Dapr SDKs or APIs to access the Dapr component. mystatestore


Property Required Description Example(s)
name n Specifies the name of the Recipe that should be deployed. If not set, the name defaults to default. name: 'azure-prod'
parameters n An object that contains a list of parameters to set on the Recipe. { version: 'v1' }


Property Required Description Example(s)
id n Resource ID of the supporting resource. account::tableService::table.id

Resource provisioning

Provision with a Recipe

Recipes automate infrastructure provisioning using approved templates. When no Recipe configuration is set Radius will use the Recipe registered as the default in the environment for the given resource. Otherwise, a Recipe name and parameters can optionally be set.

Provision manually

If you want to manually manage your infrastructure provisioning outside of Recipes, you can set resourceProvisioning to 'manual' and provide all necessary parameters and values and values that enable Radius to deploy or connect to the desired infrastructure.

Environment variables for connections

Other Radius resources, such as containers, may connect to a Dapr state store resource via connections. When a connection to Dapr state store named, for example, myconnection is declared, Radius injects values into environment variables that are then used to access the connected Dapr state store resource:

Environment variable Example(s)