rad group list CLI reference

Details on the rad group list Radius CLI command

rad group list

List resource groups within current/specified workspace


List resource groups within current/specified workspace

Resource groups are used to organize and manage Radius resources. They often contain resources that share a common lifecycle or unit of deployment.
A Radius Application and its resources can span one or more resource groups, and do not have to be in the same resource group as the Radius Environment into which it's being deployed into.
Note that these resource groups are separate from the Azure cloud provider and Azure resource groups configured with the cloud provider.
rad group list [flags]


rad group list


  -h, --help               help for list
  -o, --output string      output format (supported formats are json, table) (default "table")
  -w, --workspace string   The workspace name

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   config file (default "$HOME/.rad/config.yaml")