rad env create CLI reference

Details on the rad env create Radius CLI command

rad env create

Create a new Radius Environment


Create a new Radius Environment Radius Environments are prepared “landing zones” for Radius Applications. Applications deployed to an environment will inherit the container runtime, configuration, and other settings from the environment.

rad env create [envName] [flags]


rad env create myenv


  -e, --environment string   The environment name
  -g, --group string         The resource group name
  -h, --help                 help for create
  -n, --namespace string     The Kubernetes namespace
  -w, --workspace string     The workspace name

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   config file (default "$HOME/.rad/config.yaml")
  -o, --output string   output format (supported formats are json, table) (default "table")


  • rad env - Manage Radius Environments