Overview: AWS resources
Radius Applications are able to connect to and leverage AWS resource with Bicep. Simply model your AWS resources in Bicep and connect to them from Radius resources.
Radius uses the AWS Cloud Control API to interact with AWS resources. This means that you can model your AWS resources in Bicep and Radius will be able to deploy and manage them.
Configure an AWS Provider
The AWS provider allows you to deploy and connect to AWS resources from a Radius Environment on an EKS cluster. To configure an AWS provider, you can follow the documentation here.
In the following example, a Container is connecting to an S3 bucket.
extension aws
extension radius
param environment string
param bucket string = 'mybucket'
param aws_access_key_id string
param aws_secret_access_key string
param aws_region string
resource s3 'AWS.S3/Bucket@default' = {
alias: 's3'
properties: {
BucketName: bucket
AccessControl: 'PublicRead'
// get a radius container which uses the s3 bucket
resource app 'Applications.Core/applications@2023-10-01-preview' = {
name: 's3app'
properties: {
environment: environment
resource frontend 'Applications.Core/containers@2023-10-01-preview' = {
name: 's3container'
properties: {
application: app.id
container: {
env: {
value: s3.properties.BucketName
value: aws_access_key_id
value: aws_secret_access_key
value: aws_region
image: 'ghcr.io/radius-project/samples/aws:latest'
Resource library
AWS resource libraryFeedback
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