How-To: Configure the Azure cloud provider with Azure workload identity
The Azure provider allows you to deploy and connect to Azure resources from a self-hosted Radius Environment. It can be configured:
- Azure subscription
- az CLI
- rad CLI
- Setup a supported Kubernetes cluster
- You will need the cluster’s OIDC Issuer URL. AKS Example
- Azure AD Workload Identity installed in your cluster, including the Mutating Admission Webhook
Setup the Azure Workload Identity for Radius
To authorize Radius to connect to Azure using Azure workload identity, you should set up an Entra ID Application with access to your resource group and 3 federated credentials (one for each of the Radius services). The 3 federated credentials should be created with the Kubernetes ServiceAccounts for each of the Radius services (applications-rp, bicep-de, and ucp) in the radius-system
namespace and the OIDC Issuer for your Kubernetes cluster.
Below is an example script that will create an Entra ID Application and set up the federated credentials necessary for Radius to authenticate with Azure using Azure workload identity.
if [ "$#" -ne 4 ]; then
exit 1
export K8S_CLUSTER_NAME=$1
# Create the Entra ID Application
export APPLICATION_NAME="${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME}-radius-app"
az ad app create --display-name "${APPLICATION_NAME}"
# Get the client ID and object ID of the application
export APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID="$(az ad app list --display-name "${APPLICATION_NAME}" --query [].appId -o tsv)"
export APPLICATION_OBJECT_ID="$(az ad app show --id "${APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID}" --query id -otsv)"
# Create the applications-rp federated credential for the application
cat <<EOF > params-applications-rp.json
"name": "radius-applications-rp",
"subject": "system:serviceaccount:radius-system:applications-rp",
"description": "Kubernetes service account federated credential for applications-rp",
"audiences": [
az ad app federated-credential create --id "${APPLICATION_OBJECT_ID}" --parameters @params-applications-rp.json
# Create the bicep-de federated credential for the application
cat <<EOF > params-bicep-de.json
"name": "radius-bicep-de",
"subject": "system:serviceaccount:radius-system:bicep-de",
"description": "Kubernetes service account federated credential for bicep-de",
"audiences": [
az ad app federated-credential create --id "${APPLICATION_OBJECT_ID}" --parameters @params-bicep-de.json
# Create the ucp federated credential for the application
cat <<EOF > params-ucp.json
"name": "radius-ucp",
"subject": "system:serviceaccount:radius-system:ucp",
"description": "Kubernetes service account federated credential for ucp",
"audiences": [
az ad app federated-credential create --id "${APPLICATION_OBJECT_ID}" --parameters @params-ucp.json
# Set the permissions for the application
az ad sp create --id ${APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID}
az role assignment create --assignee "${APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID}" --role "Owner" --scope "/subscriptions/${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}"
Now that the setup is complete, you can now install Radius with Azure workload identity enabled.
Interactive configuration
Initialize a new environment with
rad init --full
:rad init --full
Follow the prompts, specifying:
- Namespace - The Kubernetes namespace where your application containers and networking resources will be deployed (different than the Radius control-plane namespace,
) - Add an Azure provider
- Pick the subscription and resource group to deploy your Azure resources to.
- Select the “Workload Identity” option
- Enter the
and thetenantID
of the Entra ID Application
- Environment name - The name of the environment to create
You should see the following output:
Initializing Radius... ✅ Install Radius v0.44 - Kubernetes cluster: k3d-k3s-default - Kubernetes namespace: radius-system - Azure credential: WorkloadIdentity - Client ID: ********** ✅ Create new environment default - Kubernetes namespace: default - Azure: subscription ***** and resource group *** ✅ Scaffold application samples ✅ Update local configuration Initialization complete! Have a RAD time 😎
- Namespace - The Kubernetes namespace where your application containers and networking resources will be deployed (different than the Radius control-plane namespace,
Manual configuration
rad install kubernetes
to install Radius with Azure workload identity enabled:rad install kubernetes --set global.azureWorkloadIdentity.enabled=true
Create your resource group and environment:
rad group create default rad env create default
rad env update
to update your Radius Environment with your Azure subscription ID and Azure resource group:rad env update myEnvironment --azure-subscription-id myAzureSubscriptionId --azure-resource-group myAzureResourceGroup
rad credential register azure wi
to add the Azure workload identity credentials:rad credential register azure wi --client-id myClientId --tenant-id myTenantId
Radius will use the provided client-id for all interactions with Azure, including Bicep and Recipe deployments.
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