rad resource-type delete CLI reference

Details on the rad resource-type delete Radius CLI command

rad resource-type delete

Delete resource type


Delete resource type

Resource types are the entities that implement resource types such as ‘Applications.Core/containers’. Each resource type can define multiple API versions, and each API version defines a schema that resource instances conform to. Resource providers can be created and deleted by users.

Deleting a resource type will delete all resources of the specified resource type. For example, deleting ‘Applications.Core/containers’ will delete all containers.

rad resource-type delete [resource type] [flags]


# Delete a resource type
rad resource-type delete Applications.Core/containers

# Delete a resource type (bypass confirmation)
rad resource-type delete Applications.Core/containers --yes


  -h, --help               help for delete
  -o, --output string      output format (supported formats are json, table) (default "table")
  -w, --workspace string   The workspace name
  -y, --yes                The confirmation flag

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   config file (default "$HOME/.rad/config.yaml")