rad workspace create CLI reference
Details on the rad workspace create Radius CLI command
rad workspace create
Create a workspace
Create a workspace.
Available workspaceTypes: kubernetes
Workspaces allow you to manage multiple Radius platforms and environments using a local configuration file.
You can easily define and switch between workspaces to deploy and manage applications across local, test, and production environments.
rad workspace create [workspaceType] [workspaceName] [flags]
# Create a workspace with name 'myworkspace' and kubernetes context 'aks'
rad workspace create kubernetes myworkspace --context aks
# Create a workspace with name of current kubernetes context in current kubernetes context
rad workspace create kubernetes
-c, --context string the Kubernetes context to use, will use the default if unset
-e, --environment string The environment name
-f, --force Overwrite existing workspace if present
-g, --group string The resource group name
-h, --help help for create
-w, --workspace string The workspace name
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string config file (default "$HOME/.rad/config.yaml")
-o, --output string output format (supported formats are json, table) (default "table")
- rad workspace - Manage workspaces
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